Let Lund Financial Management Help You Enjoy The Dream of
Retirement Income
Your financial security is about more than investments. We help you live your values and trust your future, planning every step of the way.
Schedule some time with our advisor or Call 619-200-7141
Welcome to Lund Financial Management
We’ll Plan for the Whole Journey, Together.
Lund Financial Management is an end-to-end map of your financial future and how to navigate what’s ahead. It’s our team’s process that makes the magic along the way, accommodating your style with the right level of detail and communication you deserve.

Step 1: Discovery
- Start with your goals & values
- Establish what you need from an advisor
- Map out your current financial picture

Step 2: Strategy
- Evaluate what is needed to reach your goals
- Review of red flags and opportunities
- A strategic plan to get you where you want to go

Step 3: Implementation
- Organize accounts to goals-based investments
- Complete additional planning areas
- Establish our plan for communication and connection

Start By Knowing Where You Are
Knowing your Financial Profile can help you decide the next steps on your wealth journey.
Don’t know where to begin? Start by understanding where your current plan is
strong and where there’s opportunity for improvement.
There is one question even the savviest retirement specialist will never be able to answer: just how long will my retirement assets need to last? 10 years? 25 years? 40 years? Whatever the answer, let us help you preserve your retirement so you can gain confidence that no matter what your age, it will be there when you need it.
Our team is committed because you’ve spent a lifetime growing your retirement assets, saving responsibly so one day you’d have the retirement of your dreams. But how do you know your retirement is stable? What would a downturn in the market mean for you and your family? It’s time to build some armor around your retirement strategy and start protecting your retirement assets.
Even the finest retirement strategy can crumble due to unexpected life events. Injuries, long-term care incidents and even state and federal taxes make up a few of life’s many hurdles that could destroy even the best-constructed strategy. Let us help show you how to defend yourself from those unwelcomed obstacles and keep your assets protected.

What Can You Expect?
- A Values-Driven Financial Strategy
- Solutions for Turning Assets into Income
- Confidence about Your Retirement Future
- Clarity to Make Today’s Decisions